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We have scoured the market to to find the very best deals and prices for your Christmas food shopping in HK. Let us know if you can better any of these prices!
Bacon (to wrap around sausages): packs of frozen Brazilian back bacon are sold for $15 at Woo Hing Hong Frozen Meats on the corner of Leighton Rd and Matheson St in Causeway Bay, opposite Crowne Plaza (pictured opposite). It may look like a morgue inside but don't be put off - prices are dead cheap.
Champagne/SparklingBuy Bernard Champagne from Sai Kung based online retailer Dolifrance for $225 a  bottle (minimum order 4).  Also look at My Wine Man for deals. Currently they have Lindauer Blanc de Blanc Special Reserve NZ for $119 a bottle, Pasqua Prosecco Treviso Extra Dry @ $90 per bottle and an offer on Billecart-Salmon Brut Reserve N/V  @ $319/bottle. Minimum order 5 dozen for latter item. Free delivery on HK island for 12 bottles or more. Call 2552 5516 for details. Or try for Perrier Jouet at $360 per bottle and free delivery over $2000. Ring 2259 5036.
Cheese: Buy online at  Leo's Fine Foods and Dolifrance. Also look out for the French brand, Casino, in the supermarkets (we picked up some relatively cheap Roquefort, Comté and Mimolette last weekend at the International in Baguio Villa, Pok fu Lam). Our best advice is to ask any house guests arriving from Europe to fill their suitcases. Hard cheese travels best, but I have even flown LHR-HKG with a case full of reblochon and époisses with no adverse impact (although there was a bit of a whiff coming from the carousel...)
Chicken: while Chinese chickens are no doubt the cheapest, there are whole Brazilian Halal chickens on sale for $6o in the Woo Hing Hong Frozen Meat store in Causeway Bay (see Bacon above) the Sai Kung store detailed in "Meat" below.
Cranberry Sauce - make your own with our very easy recipe using frozen cranberries! Otherwise Parknshop sells the stuff in jars...
Hams - large selection online, cooked, uncooked, smoked at Leo's Fine Foods, starting at $50/kg. Or try the Sai Kung butcher whose address can be found in the "turkey" section below.
Jason's Marketplace - pay with your Standard Chartered or Manhatten credit card and get $40 for orders over $500. Offer open until Dec. 31st 2013.
Lamb:  The lowest price we have paid is around $240 for a NZ leg of lamb (bone in) from Woo Hing Hong in Causeway Bay or Shek Kee in Sai Kung. Or potentially win one from MM Fresh, NZ supplier, by placing an order anytime between now and Dec. 19th. They are offering a free gift to all customers who order in this period AND the chance to win an "Easi-carving leg of lamb" valued at $400. Email for the latest product list.
Mince Pies - make your own and your children will love to help!  Click here for our easy recipe using bought pastry. When buying pastry in HK, try Twinsco in Wan Chai (1/F, 137 Johnston Rd) which sells baking supplies at prices far below that elsewhere. 
Nuts: 987 Kings Rd, Quarry Bay is a small store selling nuts very cheaply for $60-68 per lb.
Smoked Salmon - for small amounts, the cheapest we can find is farmed Norwegian sliced smoked salmon, from Parknshop @ $36.90 per 10og. For a side, buy online from Leo's Fine Foods  who is selling sides of Norwegian smoked salmon for $197 per kilo for trimmed (1.kkg per piece) and $207 for sliced (1kg per piece).
Uncooked turkeys: Shek Kee Frozen Meat Company in Sai Kung offers unbeatable value for a US butterball turkey at $17 per lb. It's a very basic retail outlet in 17 Kung Tack Lung Back, in the alley behind the bar Steamers, just past Baboushka, the children’s clothes shop. It’s worth driving there the first time, so you can see what you are buying. Second time around (for orders over 2000 HKD), you can fax your order to 2792 1995 and have it delivered. Open 7 days a week, 8.30-5.30pm, shutting for lunch 12-1pm. Woo Hing Hong Frozen Meats in Causeway Bay offers the same for slightly more at $17.6/lb.
Online turkeys -  Jett Foods is Mango Menu's best value option, selling turkeys @ $18.5/lb.
Organic turkeys - on a per pound basis, we cannot find better than the Californian Diestel organic turkeys in Jason's - $799 for a 10-12lb bird.
Precooked turkeysParknshop sells fully cooked Butterball processed 10-12lb turkeys for $31.5/lb. Or try Go Gourmet (part of Magnolia Kitchen) who have precooked 10-14 lb traditional turkeys starting at $750 including trimmings as well as those with an ‘injection’ of Cajun spices. Minimum one week's notice required.  Click here for the order form.
Clubs - the Aberdeen Boat Club seems to offer good value for precooked turkeys, starting at $680, but you need to be a member or have a friend that is.... Call 2555 6216 for the order form.

 Christmas Food Shopping in HK - Cheapest Deals in Town

Perusing the menu (heavily pregnant, not fat) at the Sai Kung meat supplier.  I told you, it's basic...

Cheap imported meat retailer in Causeway Bay

 Email us with your shopping tips

Locations for - cheap Champagne. Thumb belongs to my neighbour, HK's largest and most discerning Champagne imbiber.

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